Violence For Jesus: Conservative Christian TV Host Rick Wiles warns “left wing activists” to flee Florida because “were coming after you.”
Right Wing Watch reports:
On Monday’s episode of his “TruNews” program, Florida-based End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles praised the state’s Republican governor for proposing a law that would allow citizens to shoot anyone suspected of rioting or looting and warned left-wing activists to flee the state because “we’re coming after you.”
On his program Wiles declared:
This time we’re going to meet you in the streets. Come on left. We’re gonna meet you in the streets this time. You know what they’re doing here in Florida?
The governor wants a bill passed in Florida to empower citizens to shoot and kill looters and rioters. Yes, sir. Get it done, governor. The people are with you.
We’re going to defend this state of Florida. We’re not going to put up with this stuff anymore. The left, you better pack up and flee.
If you’re part of this communist revolution, lefties, you better get out of the country. If we find out you’re part of the communist revolution, we’re coming after you.
FBI, put my name down on the list. Go ahead and do it. Do it. I don’t care.
In short, Wiles is inciting his followers to violence, while fantasizing about conservative Christians killing “lefties.”
However, considering the source, the remarks are not surprising. Wiles is a popular but controversial conservative Christian leader prone to making outrageous and alarming claims. For example, last July, Wiles asked President Donald Trump to use “hollow-point bullets” on protesters to “put down” a “communist revolution” in Portland, Oregon.
And before the 2018 midterm elections, Wiles warned his viewers that if Democrats won the election they would slaughter “tens of thousands of Christians.” Yet even though the Democrats did win the House in the midterm election, as of today, there have been no reports of Christians being slaughtered.
Previously the Christian TV host warned his followers that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was preparing to lead a bloody coup to overthrow the Trump administration.
Yet for those who want to dismiss Wiles as a lone lunatic, it is important to note that he is a popular conservative Christian broadcaster with a large audience, and White House press credentials.
Bottom line: Christian TV host Rick Wiles Rick Wiles warns “left wing activists” to flee Florida because “were coming after you.”
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