I do want to continue to say loudly, that if you are a Christian AND you vote Democrat,
You have the moral obligation to reach out to your representatives and say something like “I support you only because you have the right view on dreamers and are doing great things for the homeless in our district…but your statements on abortion are horrendous. We need to be working together across the isle to figure out how to support women in need, not simply give those in most need of our help the single option of abortion.”
Or something like that.
I understand that you are sick of the partisanship of abortion, but we can never give up the fight that needs to take place in policy as well as in our direct charity to women and men in need.
– Deacon Joshua Klickman
Quoted in You Shall Not Judge How A Catholic Votes

Dear Joe Biden,
I am worried. While I intend to vote for you it seems you have forgotten as an American that all people being created equal have the right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Do you think of and view the unborn the way a Christian, a Catholic , should? That before the child is knitted together in it’s mother womb God knew that person.
Don’t get me wrong I am glad you go to Mass and say the Rosary, as do I. Rumor seems to have it that on some Facebook pages a growing number of Catholic people, and groups are telling other Catholics not to vote for you because you are too pro- abortion.
Black lives do matter, as do all lives including the lives of the unborn. Do you ever think about that at Mass or while saying the Rosary, especially the Joyful Mysteries? I’m on your side sir. I know you have lost family who died at a young age. I have too. Do you think is alright for the government to aid in the murder of children who had no chance at all?
Mother’s need help. Children need a fighting chance. Democrats stand up for the little guy, usually. Please do all you can to help parents and unborn babies. Adoption is an option. I’m not looking to condemn a struggling mother. Just don’t pretend that she has the option to kill the baby. Just because the government allows it does not mean it is a right and moral choice.
We weep and are forever changed when a young family member dies. You know it and I know it, although our situations are different. Sometimes women feel guilt from their aborted son or daughter years later and suffer as if they had lost someone they knew, loved etc. That is why there are groups to help people release their guilt.
I do not think I am teaching you something you do not already know. There must be democrats in Washington who happen to be against abortion. I hope? Why can’t you be one of them?

One of the reasons I’m voting for you and not Trump is because he had his four year trial as president and look where it got us. He could have stopped the virus from spreading but instead just told us it would disappear and now it has killed thousands of Americans, including a friend of mine and her family. I do not like the way he treated people running away from their dangerous life situations trying to cross our border. It was a human rights violation.
Trump did show up for the Pro-Life movement rallies, but I don’t know that he has done anything to end abortion or help pregnant women care for their baby or help those children find safe adoptive families. I do think once the babies are born you will help those children, especially if they are low-income or disabled. I just really wish you would also care for the rights of the unborn.
God Bless You,
Kristin Anne Nealon Wilson OCDS

Voting IS by its nature a matter of prudential judgment. I think more Catholics should come to grips with that. The Church in the United States is being torn apart in the same way, and for the same reason, that the nation is. That won’t be good for anybody.
–Jack Quirk