Tin Foil Hat: In a viral video Florida Christians can be seen freaking out and screaming at Palm Beach County Commissioners after the commissioners voted to require face masks in public.

Raw Story reports:

Supporters of President Donald Trump in Palm Beach County, Florida this week screamed at county commissioners who voted unanimously to require that residents wear face masks when out in public.

The Hill reports:

A Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners public comment session went viral Wednesday after residents denounced mandatory masking laws as “devil’s laws” that would “throw God’s wonderful breathing system out the door.”

Appearing before the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners one woman complained:

And they want to throw God’s wonderful breathing system out the door. You’re all turning your backs on it. Can you prove that it’s good for people to breathe carbon dioxide over and over and over again? God made it so that we would breathe in fresh oxygen, to go to our body, to every cell in the body. It has to have that to make energy. When you wear a mask, the nose is cut off, the mouth is cut off.

In a particularly wild rant, one Christian extremist declared:

We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice, OK? You cannot mandate knowing that the mask is killing people. We the people are waking up and we know what a citizen’s arrest is. Because citizen’s arrests are already happening and every single one of you that’s obeying the devil’s laws are going to be arrested. And you are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity.

Every single one of you has a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God. You cannot escape God. You cannot escape God. I’m going to say that again. You cannot escape God. Not even with a mask or 6 feet. OK, 6 feet is military protocol. You’re trying to get the people to train them so when the cameras, the 5G come out, when they’re going to scan everybody. We got to get scanned, we got to get temperatured, the kids have to go to school with masks.

Are you insane? Are you crazy? I think all of you should be in a psych ward right the heck now. Because none of you, none of you know what the hell you are talking about. This is insane. And then you want to open the meeting with a prayer to God. Are you praying to the devil? Because God is not listening to that prayer. Because all of you are practicing the devil’s love.

What happened to Bill Gates? Why is he not in jail? Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail? Why are all these pedophiles that are demanding you all to listen to their rules, why are they not in jail? Oh, is it because you’re part of them? The deep state is going down and if any of you are in the deep state, you’re going down with it. 

Wow! “Bill Gates,” “Hillary Clinton,” “pedophiles,” “deep state,” “5G” – it’s a cornucopia of conspiracy theory nonsense.

Bottom line: In a viral video Florida Christians can be seen freaking out and screaming at Palm Beach County Commissioners after the commissioners voted to require face masks in public.

Watch the exchange below –

Florida Christians Freak Out Over Mask Requirement: ‘Obeying Devil’s Laws’ (Image via Screen Grab)
Florida Christians Freak Out Over Mask Requirement: ‘Obeying Devil’s Laws’ (Image via Screen Grab)

By athiest

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