New Legislation In Tennessee Would Allow Men To Veto Abortions
FEBRUARY 12, 2021 BY MICHAEL STONE GOP War On Women Continues: New proposed legislation in Tennessee would give a man claiming paternity the power to legally prohibit a woman from…
Athiest,Agnostic, Secular, Humanism and free thinkers
FEBRUARY 12, 2021 BY MICHAEL STONE GOP War On Women Continues: New proposed legislation in Tennessee would give a man claiming paternity the power to legally prohibit a woman from…
JANUARY 31, 2021 BY MICHAEL STONE Well Said: A glorious rant denouncing the Christian cause to deny women the right to reproductive freedom delivered by Ana Kasparian of the Young…
AUGUST 26, 2020 BY DAVID SWARTZ Having lived in Kentucky for close to a decade now, I’ve found the commonwealth to be paradoxical. It’s located squarely in the Bible Belt.…
JULY 12, 2019 BY MICHAEL STONE Victim blaming: Virginia Senator Amanda Chase blames women for being raped, claiming only “naive and unprepared” women are raped. Senator Chase made her obnoxious…