Was Jesus a Real Historical Person? Dr. Richard Carrier Talk
After 6 years of painstaking research, Dr. Richard Carrier presents his findings. His Book “Proving History” is the first half of his research where he details how professional historians can corroborate history by looking at the historical records of surrounding areas and other methods. His book “On the Historicity of Jesus” is his completed work on the likely existence of Jesus as a historical person. Richard Carrier has a Ph.D. in the history of philosophy from Columbia University and is a published philosopher and historian, specializing in contemporary philosophy of naturalism, and in Greco-Roman philosophy, science, and religion, and the origins of Christianity. He blogs regularly, lectures for community groups worldwide, and teaches courses online. He is the author of many books including Sense and Goodness without God, On the Historicity of Jesus, and Proving History, as well as chapters in several anthologies and articles in academic journals.