After Exposing a Proselytizing Teacher, an Atheist and His Child Are on the Run
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 26, 2021 I posted last week about a disturbing recording that a West Virginia middle school student had made of her health teacher. The teacher told…
We Are Stardust: A New Astronomy Discovery (LSP #184)
MARCH 22, 2021 BY CAPTAIN CASSIDY Hi and welcome back! I’ve always been interested in astronomy, and some of the news from that end of the science-o-sphere has been getting…
Whistleblower: Australian Politicians Have Sex in the Parliament Prayer Room
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 23, 2021 There’s a sex scandal involving Australia’s Parliament that’s getting a lot of attention mostly because of how lurid the stories are. In addition to…
Survivor of Colorado Shooting: “Satan Hasn’t Won Today… Jesus Has Won”
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 23, 2021 Two of the people who escaped the King Soopers grocery store yesterday shortly after a shooter came inside — and eventually murdered ten people…
Lying Creationist: Evolution Says Dinosaurs Farted Themselves Into Extinction
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 15, 2021 Matt Powell, the hate-preacher and Creationist who appears to have dedicated his life to making atheists look smart, has done it again. Fresh off…
Christian Tourist Attractions Are Struggling (Even Outside the Pandemic)
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 15, 2021 The pandemic hasn’t been great for theme parks in general, but it’s been especially bad for Christian theme parks. Those venues certainly attract some…
The Long, Slow Death of Religion
MARCH 15, 2021 BY JAMES A. HAUGHT By James A. Haught By now, it’s clear that religion is fading in America, as it has done in most advanced Western democracies.…
The Catholic Church Wants to Remind You That God Thinks Gay Marriages Are Gross
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 15, 2021 Given the chance to do the right thing — the obvious thing — the Catholic Church has, once again, failed. The Vatican issued a…
In Lawsuit, Teen Claims Catholic Priest “Drugged and Raped” Him When He Was 8
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 15, 2021 When John* was only eight years old and in second grade, a staffer at Bishop Kelley Catholic School in Michigan “drugged and raped in…
Jesus Saves (From What?)
MARCH 19, 2021 BY KEITH GILES After reading and re-reading the New Testament, I’m now fully convinced that our view of salvation isn’t what the authors of the Gospels or…
Why Won’t Evangelicals Get the COVID Vaccine?
MARCH 17, 2021 BY ADAM LEE We got very lucky in our quest for a coronavirus vaccine. The mRNA approach, untried in humans until now, worked spectacularly well. It yielded…
Other Minds and Problems with Idealism
FEBRUARY 23, 2021 BY JONATHAN MS PEARCE Time to get back to some philosophy. Today we will be briefly looking at the position of idealism as developed by many German…
FFRF applauds New Mexico’s decision to uphold abortion rights
MARCH 1, 2021 BY FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION By Barbara AlvarezAnne Nicol Gaylor Reproductive Rights InternFreedom From Religion Foundation The Freedom From Religion Foundation applauds a recent move by the…
A Baptist Pastor Delivered a Wildly Sexist Sermon Telling Wives to Lose Weight
BY HEMANT MEHTA MARCH 1, 2021 Here’s some free relationship advice for you: Never listen to Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark of First General Baptist Church in Malden, Missouri. During a sermon…
Why a Single Human Cell is Not a Baby
MARCH 1, 2021 BY BOB SEIDENSTICKER See also: “A Defense of Abortion Rights: The Spectrum Argument” preached that poverty was a gift from God.And she believed that womenshould not be…
Missionaries Are Telling Brazil’s Indigenous Tribes to Avoid the COVID Vaccine
BY HEMANT MEHTA FEBRUARY 13, 2021 There may be no group of people in the world more susceptible to the dangers of COVID than Brazil’s remote indigenous villages. Because of…
Survey: 21% of Black Americans Are Religious “Nones” but Very Few Are Atheists
BY HEMANT MEHTA FEBRUARY 16, 2021 A major new survey released today by the Pew Research Center finds that roughly 21% of Black Americans are not affiliated with any organized…
On Christian Hypocrites: Ravi Zacharias Edition
FEBRUARY 17, 2021 BY ADAM LEE I have to admit, it’s satisfying to see titans of the religious right exposed as corrupt frauds and hypocrites. In the past, I’ve taken…
Utah Man Charged with Rape: God “Told” Me to Do It
BY HEMANT MEHTA FEBRUARY 17, 2021 Over the weekend, in Washington County, Utah, Gabriel Newland Dutson was arrested on multiple charges that include rape and assault. His victim survived the…
New Legislation In Tennessee Would Allow Men To Veto Abortions
FEBRUARY 12, 2021 BY MICHAEL STONE GOP War On Women Continues: New proposed legislation in Tennessee would give a man claiming paternity the power to legally prohibit a woman from…