Actually, Red States Are the Most Violent
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 BY LIBBY ANNE I saw a tweet recently that momentarily surprised me: Top state for gun mortality is Louisiana? Say what now? If you listen to the…
Research Shows How Public Schools Discriminate Against Atheist & Muslim Families
BY HEMANT MEHTA SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 A group of researchers say that public school principals in the U.S. discriminate against atheist and Muslim families, and the way they made this…
Every Town is Money
AUGUST 28, 2020 BY MARY PEZZULO Today is the Roman Catholic feast of Saint Augustine, who was an African man with an African mother, though you wouldn’t know it by…
Ebola, Obama, Covid & Trump
SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 BY JONATHAN MS PEARCE In the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections, Republican David Perdue excoriated President Barack Obama over his handling of the Ebola outbreak —…
Conservative Christianity Keeps Rhyming History
SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 BY SHANE PHIPPS Trigger Warning: This article is not meant to be a condemnation of all who claim to be conservative Christians. It is simply an historic…
New Research Shows the Four Conditions That Lead to a Less Religious Society
BY HEMANT MEHTA AUGUST 25, 2020 A couple of summers ago, I spent a wonderful week working with a group of policy experts, computer programmers, and sociologists and discussing what…
Not Enough Atoms in the Universe to Model Your Brain
AUGUST 25, 2020 BY GENE VEITH Elon Musk, our real-life Tony Stark, plans to announce this week the progress of his company Neuralink, which is dedicated to developing a Body…
Sweden’s Lutheran Church Becomes the World’s First Majority-Female Priesthood
BY VAL WILDE AUGUST 31, 2020 The Protestant Lutheran Church of Sweden made history last month when the numbers came in: For the first time in history, the scales have…
The Truth About Christianity
AUGUST 31, 2020 BY CAPTAIN CASSIDY Hi and welcome back! As many people do now, I feel disquiet and dread when I check out what Christians are doing lately. And…
Here’s What Liberty U. Must Do If They Want Their Investigation Taken Seriously
BY HEMANT MEHTA SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 After thoroughly embarrassing the school he ran like a dictator since 2007, Jerry Falwell, Jr. is now the former president of Liberty University and…
Jesus made to look ‘silly and vindictive’ by CBS
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 BY BARRY DUKE THE introduction of a cartoon Jesus poking at fun of VP Mike Pence’s faith in two episodes of Stephen Colbert’s Late Show on US…
Researchers Say Atheists Are Better Sleepers Than Catholics and Baptists
BY HEMANT MEHTA AUGUST 31, 2020 In an extremely brief paper (technically a research abstract) that’s getting attention this week because it was presented at a virtual conference, students at…
Debunking Catholic Disinformation Re: Vaccines (Viganò)
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 BY FR. MATTHEW P. SCHNEIDER, LC Archbishop Viganò was the papal nuncio in the USA years ago but has recently come to fame for various letters he’s…
Why America isn’t a Christian Nation.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 BY ROGER WOLSEY Newsweek recently published an article reporting that “52 Percent of Americans Say Jesus Isn’t God but Was a Great Teacher.” The article was based…
Fact-Checking Biden’s Support for Unlimited Abortion
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 BY GENE VEITH One of the most moving moments in the Republican Convention was the speech by Sister Dede Byrne, a surgeon and army veteran of the…
Apocalypse Then VS. Apocalypse Now
AUGUST 26, 2020 BY FELLOW DYING INMATE Apocalypse then meant something, and Revelation, as well as any other Scripture, must first be read according to this literal sense. How differently…
When Baptists Believed in the Bible—and Bourbon
AUGUST 26, 2020 BY DAVID SWARTZ Having lived in Kentucky for close to a decade now, I’ve found the commonwealth to be paradoxical. It’s located squarely in the Bible Belt.…
Feel Good or Do Good
AUGUST 26, 2020 BY GEORGE YANCEY I know I have been blogging a lot on race lately. I promise you that while I do plan on blogging more on racial…
In Failed Prayer, Preacher Rick Wiles Tells God to “Muzzle Hurricane Laura”
BY HEMANT MEHTA AUGUST 27, 2020 Right-wing pundit and professional anti-Semite Rick Wiles told God to “muzzle” Hurricane Laura during his “TruNews” show yesterday. That was before it jumped to…
Lawlessness, Power, & Authorit
AUGUST 28, 2020 BY GENE VEITH I commend to you two posts from my fellow Patheos bloggers. To learn what it feels like when law and order completely breaks down…