Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens – Full Debate [HD]
On April 4, 2009, William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens met at Biola University to debate the question of God’s existence. Craig is one of the world’s foremost Christian apologists.…
Bill Maher
No one should be surprised that Trump thinks he’s God’s gift to America – because that’s exactly what Evangelicals keep telling him he is.
U.S. Congressman: Bible Says Unemployed ‘Shall Not Eat’
MARCH 31, 2017 BY MICHAEL STONE A Biblical justification for cruelty: U.S. Congressman Jodey Arrington of Texas argues that the poor and unemployed should not receive benefits. In yet another…
South African pastor ‘resurrects dead man’
Do people really believe this is real?????