Has Franklin Graham Gone Off the Rails?
NOVEMBER 29, 2019 BY ROGER E. OLSON Has Franklin Graham Gone Off the Rails? According to many news reports, during a podcast interview with author Eric Metaxas Billy Graham’s son…
Bible Quote for December 7
Kill Babies and Old Men I will spend on them woe upon woe and exhaust all my arrows against them: “Emaciating hunger and consuming fever and bitter pestilence, And the…
Bible Quotes for December 6
Bible Quotes for December 6 Starving Children Satisfies the Lord Those killed by the sword are far better off than those who die of hunger, wasting away for want of…
U.S. Congressman: Bible Says Unemployed ‘Shall Not Eat’
MARCH 31, 2017 BY MICHAEL STONE A Biblical justification for cruelty: U.S. Congressman Jodey Arrington of Texas argues that the poor and unemployed should not receive benefits. In yet another…