Young Earth Creationism: The Ultimate Fandom
FEBRUARY 3, 2020 BY LIBBY ANNE Could Noah’s Ark Have Been Made of Wood? reads an Answers in Genesis headline. What interested me more was the summary on my feed…
Athiest,Agnostic, Secular, Humanism and free thinkers
FEBRUARY 3, 2020 BY LIBBY ANNE Could Noah’s Ark Have Been Made of Wood? reads an Answers in Genesis headline. What interested me more was the summary on my feed…
JANUARY 24, 2020 BY BARRY DUKE IT’S an all-too-familiar tale; an individual owes his or her life to the skills of first-aiders and medics, but Team Jesus takes most of…
JANUARY 27, 2020 BY MICHAEL STONE Banned in Liverpool: Christian hate preacher Franklin Graham has been banned from appearing at a venue in Liverpool because he promotes anti-gay Christian hate.…
JANUARY 27, 2020 BY MICHAEL STONE Doing the Lords’s work: The Satanic Temple responds after President Trump’s spiritual adviser, Pastor Paula White, calls for an end to “satanic pregnancies.” In…
JANUARY 3, 2019 BY KEITH GILES We hear this all the time: “Jesus is the only way to heaven” or “No one will be saved without knowing Jesus.” But is…
JANUARY 23, 2020 BY ED BRAYTON Media Matters points out the rather obvious, that Fox News host Sean Hannity is also am important political operative for Donald Trump. He acts…
BY DAVID GEE JANUARY 23, 2020 At long last, Utah has banned the use of bigoted and discredited “conversion therapy” on LGBTQ children, making it the 19th state to do…
JANUARY 10, 2019 BY JOSH DAFFERN Every Sunday tens of millions of people go to church on Sunday, but it is by no means a uniform experience. Churches come in…
JANUARY 23, 2020 BY BARRY DUKE IN the wake of a Wall Street Journal exposé last December that claimed that Peter’s Pence, the Pope’s principal charity, gave only ten percent…
JANUARY 24, 2020 BY MICHAEL STONE Religion poisons everything: Evidence shows that executives from the NFL’s New Orleans Saints football team conspired with the Catholic church to protect pedophile priests.…
BY HEMANT MEHTA In case you need something else to worry about, Christian writer Thomas Horn would like you to know that an asteroid is going to crash into the…
JANUARY 26, 2020 BY MICHAEL STONE What happened to “Pro-Life”? President Trump’s spiritual adviser, Pastor Paula White, wants to put an end to “satanic pregnancies.” In a bizarre rant captured…
BY VAL WILDE JANUARY 25, 2020 Two young women who jumped to their deaths from a tall building in West Jerusalem last weekend left behind a note explaining their choice…
JANUARY 20, 2020 BY JAMES A. HAUGHT By James A. Haught When people accept supernatural claims of a religion, their lives are altered. They commit themselves to belief in miracles,…
JANUARY 21, 2020 BY MICHAEL STONE Theocracy Alert: The White House YouTube account is streaming a vile anti-gay church sermon attended by Vice President Mike Pence. Newsweek reports: Vice President…
By Rebekah Riess, CNN Updated 10:42 PM ET, Tue January 14, 2020 John William Kirby Kelley (CNN)The Justice Department has charged a Virginia man with conspiracy to make threats over…
JANUARY 21, 2020 BY BARRY DUKE DONALD Trump, according to his certifiably insane ‘spiritual advisor‘ Paul White, above, will shortly be in the vanguard of a battle that will lead…
JANUARY 21, 2020 BY JAMES F. MCGRATH I don’t know how I missed coming across this term until now, but I’m so incredibly happy to have added it to my…
By Anna Fifield Jan. 21, 2020 at 5:31 a.m. EST BEIJING — Chinese health authorities sought to impose a quasi-quarantine around Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, Tuesday as…
BY HEMANT MEHTA JANUARY 19, 2020 In a story that exhibits both religious delusion and the harm that can come because of someone’s religious delusions, a lady in Pennsylvania let…