Book of Revelation: Written by a Madman? Is Atheism the Better
@weareatheist5932 Is the Book of Revelation a tale of divine justice or a grim narrative of wrath and destruction? In this video, we dive deep into the darker themes of…
Athiest,Agnostic, Secular, Humanism and free thinkers
@weareatheist5932 Is the Book of Revelation a tale of divine justice or a grim narrative of wrath and destruction? In this video, we dive deep into the darker themes of…
The book of Genesis mentions three of Adam and Eve’s children: Cain, Abel and Seth So who did they married ?
Some mostly Christians still believe that giants human once roamed the world.
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“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing?…
They wonder why we don’t believe in there imaginary friend source Holy Koolaid
There’s a “strong authoritarian streak” that runs through parts of American evangelicalism, warns Elizabeth Neumann. What should be done about it? POLITICO illustration/Getty Images By ZACK STANTON 02/04/2021 06:21 PM…
This dog is too cute
JANUARY 28, 2022 BY MATTHEW DISTEFANO Christians will spend their lives worshipping Jesus, talking about Jesus, praising Jesus, giving their hearts to Jesus, but at the end of the day,…
If you look carefully you see the guy in the casket breathing even before the pastor bring him back to life..
OCTOBER 9, 2020 BY SCOTT R. STAHLECKER During the two decades I was a Christian the flood story really perplexed me. There were portions that just could not be plausible.…