Delicious Tears Of Unfathomable Sadness: Televangelist Jack Hibbs, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino, California, breaks down in tears because Joe Biden will be the next president.
Newsweek reports:
A clip of a televangelist weeping at the thought of a Joe Biden presidency is gong viral on social media.
Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino, California, prayed for President Donald Trump‘s victory during a sermon that was streamed live online the day after Election Day.
During his emotional sermon the pathetic pastor declared:
God, you are for pro-life. One man is, and one man is not.
Lord, one man is for Israel, one man is not. You are for Israel.
Lord, one man is for our military and police, the other is not. You are for us.
Lord, did you appoint Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State just to put an end to this now? Did you, Lord, take Amy Coney Barrett to court and that’s it? Are we done?
We in this room, we’re still here for life.
Hibbs continued:
Father tonight, President Trump is entertaining the thought, I’m sure it’s almost impossible for him to entertain this in thought, but rumor has it that he’s never lost anything…
God, I only pray he loses himself tonight and finds you tonight, Father. That you visit him in his dreams, God. That you would bring this very strong and capable man, who relies on no one, to his knees. Lord, may he collapse in your arms.
Hibbs also went on to pray for Melania and Barron:
We pray for Melania, we know she loves you, she loves your Bible, she loves your people, she’s one of us. I cannot imagine, Lord, what a burden she is carrying right now. Give her strength. I’m sure Barron is asking, “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Save and bless Barron.
Bottom line: Televangelist Jack Hibbs, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino, California, breaks down in tears because Joe Biden will be the next president.