Domestic Terrorists Plan Rally: A march on Washington D.C. billed as the Million MAGA March is being planned by an assortment of Trump-loving deplorables, including militias, Proud Boys, white nationalists and Nazis.
Politico reports:
The disparate tribes of MAGA Nation — Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Infowars fanatics, Groypers, Proud Boys, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and the people who would simply call themselves die-hard MAGA — have declared that they are simply going to show up in Washington en masse over the weekend to rally together, with the marquee event on Saturday.
The groups have assigned the gathering different names: the Million MAGA March, the March for Trump, Stop the Steal DC. But they’re all set to take place Saturday in the nation’s capital, around noon, with most set to congregate near Freedom Plaza though some groups have also suggested the Supreme Court building down the National Mall.
Announcement via Twitter:
However, no permits have been issued for the Million MAGA March, despite the event being widely advertised on right-wing sites. The Washingtonian reports:
At least three pro-Trump rallies are planned for Freedom Park in DC this Saturday. There’s just one possible hitch: None of them appear to have filed the paperwork for a permit.
No groups with the name “Million MAGA March,” “Stop the Steal,” or “March for Trump” have applied to host a rally at Freedom Park this weekend, says NPS spokesperson Mike Litterst.
Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told reporters on Tuesday that she is preparing for the right-wing protest:
I huddled with my team this morning about an additional report of a caravan that might be starting somewhere in the South culminating here.
We continue to follow those activities and be prepared for those activities. Our police chief will have a similar posture this weekend as he did last week. And we will be there to support peaceful exercise of First Amendment demonstrations.
Mayor Bowser went on to note that those openly carrying weapons would be a “police matter.” The Hill notes: “Open carry is outlawed in D.C., but people can obtain a permit to concealed carry weapons.”
Bottom line: An assortment of Trump-loving deplorables, including militias, Proud Boys, white nationalists and Nazis are planning a Million MAGA March on Washington D.C. for this Saturday.