It is Friday, and I was about to think my way through Quick Takes, but instead of that, for those of you who pray and know all about that sort of thing, I would be really grateful if you could ask God for some mercy. My mom and dad–Bob and Joyce–are driving across the country from Portland, OR to Binghamton, NY in a 15 foot UHaul truck. They stopped for the night in Indianapolis and sometime in the dark hours someone came along and stole the truck. They are waiting for police to arrive, and enumerating all the things in the truck. Some of the things are:
my grandmother’s dining room chairs
my grandmother’s china
my mother’s china that she hand carried to the US on trips back from England
my mother’s piano
boxes of language data
probably over a thousand books
kitchen stuff en pagaille
all the letters I had to write home from school
so many pictures
some cunning small cabinets and a loveseat
letters they wrote to each other
stacks of music
everything, to quote my mother, “we looked forward to having.”
I am off to take two large aspirin and be ready to do whatever is required whenever any of those things should arise. If you pray, pray for the truck to be found intact, and–well, for the person who took it away to come to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. I’m sure there are lots of other things to pray for today, but that’s the main one. 2020 amirite. #enoughalready