LAST Sunday Rev Robert Altier, above, of the Church of St Raphael in Crystal, Minnesota, claimed that people were ‘being lied to’ regarding COVID-19 – then trotted out a bunch of bullcrap about about the virus.
Altier said the virus has been engineered and its effects have been blown out of proportion.
It’s time that we start to recognize that we are being lied to. The work had begun at a lab in North Carolina, then they shipped it to China to finish the work, then it was released so that people would get sick.
This is bollocks, according to a July article in The Conversation, and reproduced by fact-checker site Snopes:
One of the conspiracy theories that have plagued attempts to keep people informed during the pandemic is the idea that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory. But the vast majority of scientists who have studied the virus agree that it evolved naturally and crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat.
How exactly do we know that this virus, SARS-CoV-2, has a “zoonotic” animal origin and not an artificial one? The answers lie in the genetic material and evolutionary history of the virus, and understanding the ecology of the bats in question.
The idiot also said he would not trust a potential COVID-19 vaccine and would only get one:
If they arrest me, hold me down and force it on me.
He asked why people aren’t required to wear masks and social distance for the flu and tuberculosis, which have proven treatment methods, unlike the coronavirus.
Reporting on Altier’s sermon, The Kansas City Star pointed out that more than 910,000 people have died globally from the coronavirus, including 191,000 in the United States as of September 11, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Altier also lied about COVID-19 hospital admissions:
No hospital was overwhelmed. In fact, there was hardly anybody in most hospitals.
The Star said:
Hospitals in California faced staffing shortages due to the pandemic, leading doctors and nurses to be deployed to eight hospitals … Some Texas hospitals were overwhelmed with patients in July, with some having to turn away patients … New York City also had widely-reported issues at their hospitals handling the influx of patients.
Altier’s supporters now now appear to be suggesting he might be gagged for telling the truth. Here are some of the comments that have appeared beneath his YouTube video:
• Please pray for Fr. Altier. He is being blasted,yet again, for another courageous sermon. You can hear very close to 2:00 how nervous he is for bringing this information to the public because he knows, like Christ knew before His crucifixion, what will happen to him. He did not cower before his trial. Listen to him and pray.
• I’ve tried to explain this to several Priests and they don’t believe any of it. They are totally hypnotised by the propaganda. We need to pray for our Priests so they can see the truth.
• This is what clergy everywhere, of every stripe, should be saying from their pulpits. Come on, clergy, speak out!
• Thank you Father. I am an RN and I agree with everything you have said. God save us from these evil forces that have fed us lies from the beginning of this scamdemic. Thank you.
• Amen father I’ve always believed that this whole plandemic has been a lie from the beginning. And as a result the powers that be can dictate their stupid communist rules. Pray the rosary everyday
• Bravo Father along with Father Altman & yourself we have two priests who are brave enough to speak out about what is truly going on in the world.

The reference to Wisconsin priest James Altman, above, arises from a video he posted on YouTube saying “You Can’t be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period!”
He also said:
Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell.
This, according to Complicit Clergy, got him “thrown under a bus to appease the ravenous wolves” by Bishop William Patrick Callahan, of the Diocese of La Crosse.
Callahan said in a statement:
I am applying Gospel principles to the correction of Fr. Altman … Canonical penalties are not far away if my attempts at fraternal correction do not work. I pray that Fr. Altman’s heart and eyes might be open to the error of his ways and that he might take steps to correct his behavior and heal the wound he has inflicted on the Body of Christ.
Pray for me as I address this issue, and pray for Fr. Altman that he might hear and respond to my fraternal correction. Finally, please pray for the Church that we might seek the truth in charity and apply it in our daily action.
As for Altier, he’s prompted a statement from Rev Michael Tix of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis, who said:
With the assistance of experts in this area, the matter continues to be under review. Stemming from our belief in the dignity of all human life, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is committed to the safety and well being of all people and has consistently collaborated with public health officials and government officials in the development of safety protocols for our parishes and schools.