AN INDIANA barbecue restaurant ‘owned by God’ and run by Jesus-besotted Matt Yergler has been closed by the Wells County Department of Health for failing to comply with COVID-19 safely rules.

The closure notice served on Yergy’s State Road BBQ came after Yergler delivered a sermon at a Board of Health meeting, saying:
God has given us a restaurant three-and-a-half years ago. It is his. And that’s the way we view it.
The restaurant reportedly has several free Bibles parked next to the restaurant’s cash register.
Before walking out of the meeting, Yergler said:
You people have no power over us. Christ is king.
According to the county’s environmental health specialist, Brandi Schorey, the department of health issued a verbal warning and a cease-and-desist order after getting dozens of phone calls and several written complaints about Yergy’s BBQ.
A visit to the restaurant by news outlet WANE 15 last Thursday found some employees wearing masks, but not all. Among the maskless was Yergler, who had insisted during the meeting that science does not back up the claim that masks work.
Yergler has now launched a petition against the closure and is asking for people to donate money for a legal challenge against the closure. It says:
Two Wells co. law enforcement officers and a health inspector came today and officially shut down this small family BBQ business because the owner refused to mandate masks in his restaurant. Share this everywhere and make sure people know what is going on. They are now threatening other Wells Co downtown businesses to comply or shut their doors. SHARE WITH EVERYONE!!!
Matt Yergler, owner of Yergy’s State Road BBQ in Bluffton, IN has taken a stand against Governor Holcomb’s unconstitutional state-wide mask mandate. Yergy’s publicly announced that masks would not be required inside his restaurant if you choose not to wear one.
Below is a pic showing one customer who did wear a mask.

The petition adds:
Since their public announcement, the small family business has been threatened numerous times by the actions of the Wells County Health Department.
Regardless of increased support throughout the community for the local restaurant, on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 a Bluffton police department officer escorted a Health Dept official to his residence to deliver a Cease and Desist order.

Meanwhile it’s reported here that deranged conspiracy theorist David Icke, above, yesterday (Saturday) led a rally of several thousand anti-mask and anti-vaccine protesters who gathered in London bearing signs and placards including “World Hoax Organisation” and “Masks are muzzles”.
Many demanded an end to government health measures and the right to catch coronavirus – should it even exist – without state interference.
Demonstrators ranged from “out-and-out Covid-19 sceptics” to those who believe the illness is real but was created in a lab and others who say the illness is genuine but no worse than flu.
The protest coincided with a march in Berlin held to protest against similar coronavirus restrictions in Germany.
Hat tip: BarrieJohn (Icke report)