Good News: Florida State Rep. Kimberly Daniels, the lawmaker who thanks God for slavery, lost her bid for re-election earlier this week.
The Center Square reports:
State Rep. Kim Daniels was defeated in her Democratic primary… Daniels managed only 40.2 percent of Tuesday’s vote, losing to community activist Angie Nixon, who received 59.8 percent.
A former Jacksonville city council member first elected to the House in 2016, Daniels drew fire from fellow Democrats during the 2020 session for co-sponsoring a bill that required parental consent for youth abortions.
Daniels, the sponsor of a bill passed by the Florida House that mandates that every public school post “In God We Trust” signs, is a dangerous religious extremist that dreams of a Christian theocracy.
In a Facebook post documenting Daniels’s religious extremism, The Freedom From Religion Foundation(FFRF) notes:
Florida State Representative Kimberly Daniels is on a religious mission, a mission to force her god on other people’s children. She’s been completely open about this theocratic goal as she preaches, “exorcises demons,” and “speaks in tongues.”
Indeed, Daniels is on a religious mission, and she shows no understanding or respect for the secular values upon which this nation was founded. In fact, the confused Christian extremist even goes so far as to thank God for slavery.
In one jaw-dropping clip from the FFRF video, Daniels declares:
I thank God for slavery… If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshipping a tree.
In another clip from the FFRF video Daniels proudly promotes anti-semitic slurs while minimizing the Holocaust, proclaiming:
You can talk about the Holocaust, but the Jews own everything!
In her book, Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits: How to Deal With Demonic Conspiracies, the Florida lawmaker warns of “idolatry” and the power of “familiar spirits,” while claiming that dolls are possessed by demonic spirits.
Bottom line: Florida lawmaker Kimberly Daniels, a dangerous Christian extremist who thanks God for slavery and believes that dolls are possessed by demonic spirits, has lost her bid for re-election.