Satanic Panic: Christian parents in a Wisconsin school district are fighting a face mask requirement for returning students, claiming the requirement is a “pagan ritual” for “satanic worshipers.”
WTMJ TV reports:
BROOKFIELD, Wis. — The Elmbrook School District will reopen five days a week to in-person learning. The decision came after three and a half hours of discussions by school board members.
Along with returning to in-person learning, the board also made a decision on requiring students to wear masks. However, not everyone liked that idea.
At the meeting, parent Heidi Anderson expressed her concern that a facemask requirement is “satanic,” decalring:
Six-foot distance and wearing masks are pagan rituals of satanic worshipers. My kids are Christian they are not subject to wearing masks.
Watch the report below, Anderson’s remarks begin at the :25 mark:
Clearly Anderson is confused and ignorant, blinded by religious superstition and hobbled by an obvious inability to think critically. But she is not alone in her ignorance and delusion. In fact, the idea that face masks are somehow satanic is a popular conspiracy theory among many conservative Christians.
For example:
Bottom line: Christian parents in a Wisconsin school district are fighting a face mask requirement for returning students, claiming the requirement is a “pagan ritual” for “satanic worshipers.”