Misogyny For Jesus: Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively claims a woman’s right to vote is a “product of the Soviet Bolshevik Revolution” and runs contrary to “a truly Biblical worldview.”
Lively, a radical anti-LGBT Trump-loving conservative Christian, made his remarks during Sunday’s “Breaking News Bible Study” program, which airs on radio station WETR in Knoxville, Tennessee.
On the program Lively said:
This is going to be very controversial, but the women’s right to vote—the 19th Amendment—was actually a product of the Soviet Bolshevik revolution that was transported here to the United States in the 1920s.
Lively added:
I’m not talking about taking away women’s right to vote. I’m just saying let me ask a question here: Would the voters of 1920—of course, these were all men—and would the women who were urging their husbands to vote have voted for the 19th Amendment if they knew that the highest achievement of women’s right to vote in the minds of women in 2020 would be the slaughtering of unborn babies?
Richard May, Lively’s co-host, replied:
Let me ask you this question: Would the women of the church of the 1920s be so inclined to pastor and lead churches if they knew that it would lead to rampant homosexuality and the approval of transgender pastors?
Lively replied:
This is the thing about having a truly biblical worldview; a truly biblical worldview has male authority—male authority established by God. And that doesn’t mean that women can’t vote, but what that does mean is that there is an order to civilization in which men and women are designed to be complementary halves of one whole but with distinct functions in society, and that male authority is an aspect of that that’s inseparable from the health of civilization.
Lively added:
Nobody talks about this. It’s verboten because of the political correctness and because so many Christian women don’t even understand this concept today. Feminism has crept into the church to such an extreme that you can’t have this kind of conversation anymore without being attacked by Christian women.
For the record, Wyoming granted women the right to vote in 1869, long before the “Soviet Bolshevik Revolution” of 1917-1923.
As for Lively, earlier this month the Christian activist made headlines after claiming he would rather be beheaded than wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Previously Lively warned his fellow conservative Christians that they must prepare to wage a violent revolution against those who would use the coronavirus pandemic to impose socialism.
In addition to being a COVID conspiracy theorist, Lively is a leading figure in the global conservative Christian movement against LGBT people. He is the president of Abiding Truth Ministries, and author of The Pink Swastika, an ugly, anti-gay polemic that draws a false connection between homosexuality and the rise of Nazi Germany.
In 2015, Lively, the American architect of Uganda’s notorious “kill the gays” legislation, was in federal court facing charges of “crimes against humanity.”
As well as his work promoting Christian patriarchy and hatred against LGBT people, the conservative Christian also ran for Governor of Massachusetts in the 2014 and 2018. Both times he lost.
Bottom line: Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively claims a woman’s right to vote is a “product of the Soviet Bolshevik Revolution” and runs contrary to “a truly Biblical worldview.”
(H/T Right Wing Watch)