An Acceptable Offer: Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively says he would rather be beheaded than wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Lively, a radical anti-LGBT Trump-loving conservative Christian, made his remarks via YouTube earlier this week. In the video, Lively argues that requiring citizens to wear a mask to fight the coronavirus pandemic is like the Nazis requiring Jewish individuals to wear a yellow star on their clothing, and an unacceptable overreach of government power.
In the video, Lively said:
These things must be balanced against the disastrous consequences of surrendering personal liberty to overreaching government, especially regarding face masks, which are in some ways worse than police-enforced lockdowns because they represent a literal in-your-face exercise of statist power like Islamist head coverings for women or the Nazis’ yellow star for Jews.
Unnecessary public mask wearing, as opposed to reasonable usage, is no less a statement of psychological submission to higher authority than a dog collar. In the greater scheme of things, I believe liberty is more important than security if one is forced to choose between those two. Those who don’t believe that are ripe for the Mark of the Beast, which is what this entire season of chaos is really about, in my view.
Personally, I would rather die or be maimed from COVID-19—or be beheaded by a mob of anarchists and Islamists—than become a safe slave in a global totalitarian government.
This is not the first time Lively has made unhinged remarks opposing efforts to stem the pandemic. Last month Lively warned his fellow conservative Christians that they must prepare to wage a violent revolution against those who would use the coronavirus pandemic to impose socialism.
In addition to being a COVID conspiracy theorist, Lively is a leading figure in the global conservative Christian movement against LGBT people. He is the president of Abiding Truth Ministries, and author of The Pink Swastika, an ugly, anti-gay polemic that draws a false connection between homosexuality and the rise of Nazi Germany.
In 2015, Lively, the American architect of Uganda’s notorious “kill the gays” legislation, was in federal court facing charges of “crimes against humanity.”
As well as his work promoting hatred against LGBT people, the conservative Christian also ran for Governor of Massachusetts in the 2014 and 2018. Both times he lost.
Bottom line: Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively says he would rather be beheaded than be forced to wear a mask by the government to prevent the spread of COVID-19.