That Jesus chicken tastes like Christian hate: Leading conservative Christian Franklin Graham promises his Facebook followers that Chick-fil-A will keep hating the gays.
In a recent Facebook post Graham says he spoke with Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy, and, according to Graham, Cathay said the chicken franchise “haven’t changed who they are or what they believe” and “remains committed to (anti-gay) Christian values.”
On his Facebook page Graham writes:
Has Chick-fil-A caved? Some are saying they’ve rolled over, that they’ve conceded to the LGBTQ protests because they released a statement about their charitable giving. They announced that in 2020 they’re giving to fight hunger and homelessness and support education. What’s wrong with that?
I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this.
In my opinion, the gay movement wouldn’t ever be happy with Chick-fil-A unless they were open on Sunday, gave all of their charitable donations to LGBTQ organizations, and flew the rainbow flag over their stores! Their hatred for Chick-fil-A is rooted in founder Truett Cathy’s strong stand for biblical “traditional” values and his desire to honor God.
No fast food chain does a better job. I went through the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A yesterday morning, and I thought I might get dinner there—but a whole lot of other people had the same idea! A Chick-fil-A sandwich with waffle fries sounds really good right now!
Graham is probably right. Earlier this week Progressive Secular Humanist reported the following:
After announcing they will no longer support conservative Christian hate groups with an anti-LGBT agenda, Chick-fil-A backtracks by claiming they might support anti-gay “faith groups” in the future.
Indeed, after news of the new policy became public, many conservative Christians went into a rage, angry that their favorite chicken franchise was backing away from their policy of endorsing and financially supporting anti-LGBT Christian hate groups. And apparently, that rage was effective.
Adding context to the story, earlier this year it was revealed that the southern-style chicken sandwich franchise and self-identified Christian company gave over $1.8 million to anti-gay Christian hate groups in 2017.
The news set off a firestorm of criticism because previously the company had claimed they had stopped supporting anti-LGBT organizations. Yet despite repeated claims from the company that they were no longer anti-gay, they continued to actively support and fund anti-gay Christian hate groups.
And it looks like they will continue to support anti-gay Christian hate groups.
As for Graham, he is a deplorable Christian extremist who frequently preaches a message of hatred and intolerance for gays and others he finds offensive. Recently Graham made headlines by warning gay presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg that he must repent or face eternal damnation for “flaunting his homosexuality.”
Graham, who is fond of claiming that God kills gays, issued a series of tweets attacking the Democratic presidential candidate earlier this year. And while Graham exhibits an irrational biblical hatred for gays and Democrats, he frequently grovels at the feet of that supposed paragon of Christian virtue, Donald Trump.
Bottom line: Leading conservative Christian Franklin Graham says he spoke with Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy, and, according to Graham, Cathay says Chick-fil-A “haven’t changed who they are or what they believe” and “remains committed to (anti-gay) Christian values.”