More of that Christian love: Anti-gay Christian activist Linda Harvey claims gays can’t celebrate thanksgiving because they are not grateful, and harbor hostility towards their “parents and genetic heritage.”
Harvey, president of Mission America, a radical anti-LGBT conservative Christian organization, explains “Why those in LGBT lifestyle can never really celebrate Thanksgiving” in a recent post for LifeSiteNews. Harvey writes:
It’s that time of year when being grateful rises to the top of our priority list — for most of us, that is. Ingratitude forms a core ingredient of the “LGBT” community, the pro-abortion movement, and the left in general. It contrasts sharply with the path along which we are led as Christians. Where does the unrepentant heart go if we allow it?
Among homosexuals and the gender-rebellious, parents and genetic heritage are often held in contempt. Heterosexuals are nicknamed “breeders” among these enlightened sexual rebels. It doesn’t end there. In a bigger sense, there’s a ready dismissiveness of American exceptionalism, Western civilization, and the peaceful affluence — a rarity in history — we enjoy here in the USA.
The internet is replete with homosexual/transgender hostility toward parents, those who lovingly provided a home, allowance, support, and often college tuition, not to mention the child’s genetic heritage — and receive derision and scorn in return from sexually sinful or gender-deviant children. The tears of these parents could fill a cathedral. God knows their pain.
Previously Harvey argued that straight people don’t engage in oral or anal sex, declaring that anal and oral sex are “the sex practices of homosexuals.”
Indeed, Harvey is the epitome of the deplorable, anti-gay, conservative Christian bigot.
In 2017 Harvey wanted to trademark the rainbow to prevent it from “being raped” by gays and lesbians. Writing for WorldNetDaily Harvey wondered “Can we trademark the rainbow?” while complaining that the “sweet rainbow image” has been “violated” and “raped” by “homosexual sin.”
In short, Harvey is a dangerous Christian extremist who will demonize the LGBT community at every opportunity. She is a big believer in the supposed “gay agenda” and frequently claims that public schools “are training our children to become homosexuals.”
Bottom line: Anti-gay Christian extremist Linda Harvey argues that LGBT people can’t really celebrate Thanksgiving because “ingratitude forms a core ingredient of the LGBT community.”
Can you feel the Christian love?