Morality not required: Wanda Alger, a Christian minister and a prayer warrior for Trump, explains that God does not require government leaders to be moral.
Writing for Charisma Magazine, Alger’s makes the case for immoral politicians like Trump, noting:
The leftist liberals who oppose religious freedom and conservative values are incessant in finding a means to disqualify our current president. Whether it’s his negative comments on Twitter or his unorthodox methods in governing, his opponents are looking for anything to suggest he is not fit to govern the nation.
After blaming “leftist liberals” for suggesting Trump “is not fit to govern the nation” Algers worries that even some Christians find Trump’s immorality problematic, writing:
Even among some Christians, there are differing opinions on the president’s integrity and effectiveness based on his demeanor and style.
Alger then goes on to cherry-pick scripture in a vain and pointless attempt to try and justify Trump’s obvious over-the-top immorality. At one point Alger declares:
… descriptions of how God will use civil leaders include no indications of personal morality… Though it (morality) may be desired, it is not required.
Get that? Morality is not required.
Opining on the irony of a Christian arguing in favor of immorality, Peter Montgomery at Right Wing Watch writes:
Religious Right leaders spent decades telling American Christians about the importance of electing people to public office who met their standards for moral character. When Trump came along, they tossed those standards out the window, pointing instead to examples from the Bible of God using flawed people to accomplish his purposes.
As one might imagine, in the hopeless attempt to defend an immoral Trump, Alger cites the Bible:
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil works. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from him, for he is the servant of God for your good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is the servant of God, an avenger to execute wrath upon him who practices evil” (Rom. 13:2-4).
One wonders if Alger was citing this Bible passage demanding citizens support and obey their leader when Obama was president. Probably not. In fact, a large part of the immorality Alger is trying to minimize, defend, and obfuscate, is racism, plain and simple.
Indeed, the fact that 81% of white evangelicals voted for the Racist-In-Chief tells you all you need to know about “conservative Christian values.”
Bottom line: An ignorant and misguided prayer warrior for Trump argues that God does not require government leaders to be moral.